Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Taken 2/2/10 - I was getting tired of seeing that other photo, lol.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

DAY 16...Mrs. Gray Fluff again...also 2-3 more new birds I need to identify. New ones every time I go over there.
DAY 15...just walking to the living room and glanced out the dining room window and saw this. Luckily, the camera is always on the dining table so grabbed it up and dashed outside. By the time I took these and 3-4 more and walked into the house, it was all gone.

DAY 13 ...Still working on identifying the birds at the feeder.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Day 11-13 Fail.

I am doing everything possible in my power to not leave this house! LOL

I took this the other day - the sun was poking right through my roof at my studio. i think it was the last time i left my house. lol

Monday, January 11, 2010

No quiet walk today

The kids and I went out sledding again which is a work out in itself. I am enjoying winter at this moment in time (I make no guarantees for the future). If you have ever been sledding with three year olds there is a lot of lifting involved lol.
DAY 10...unintentionally flushed the ducks again.. Something new at the pond...

Leaf buds already..

Chestnut-backed Chickadee