Saturday, January 9, 2010

Cold, foggy morning

I was getting ready to head to the office when I had to run back in and grab my camera!  The fog over the creek and fields always seems so mystical to me. 

Then the sun rising added some brilliant color.  Unfortunately, I am not quick enough with my camera settings to capture it as I see it.  I think I need to take another class to help me figure out aperture and shutter settings again.  Camera's have changed a lot in the 20 years since I took a photography class in high school (and my memory kinda sucks for things like that too!).

It's been too cold to walk outside, but I have done a 1 mile walk daily on the treadmill.  Not a lot, I know, but it's a start.  Between that and watching my eating, I've lost 2 pounds this week, so that makes me happy!


  1. Gosh, what did I do to the words??

  2. Gosh, these are really pretty...great captures.

  3. Very pretty pictures! I've never seen anything like it - thanks for sharing these with us. Congrats on the weight loss too!

  4. Great pictures! I would love to see that.

  5. Great shots, totally digging the fog!
