Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Day #5 - I went outside! yay me

I ventured out today. It really wasn't as cold as I thought. Still haven't left my property for a walk but I went outside ONLY because of this project! LOL
So, I decided to make a collage.
I highly suggest going to http://picasa.google.com/ and downloading picasa - it's free and you can do some basic photo manipulation. That is where I made this collage.
So - today was a small victory. I went outside. lol
Later on i have a photoshoot and we are going to try for some outside shots (If we can make it through the snow)


  1. That is awesome! could you send some of that my way? Please :)

  2. I ♥ Picasa!!! Great collage, and you guys have a ton more snow than we do in the L.C!!

  3. Beautiful photos and nice display..can't imagine that much snow!

  4. I love Picasa too! That's all I use to do my pics. Don't have time for the other stuff; although I can only imagine what I could do with my pics. Love your collage!
