Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Day #6 - A walking companion!

Since some of you don't live around here, you probably don't know that we've had freezing rain on top of our many feet of snow. FUN! (Can you hear the sarcasm in my voice?)

I had to go out today to drop Nathan off to preschool after lunch. When we got home, Hallie really wanted to play outside. So, I grabbed the camera and off we went...

"Come on, Mommy!"

My favorite little walking companion.

"I cold Mommy. INSIDE!!!"

We lasted about 15 minutes, but we had fun walking back and forth to the barn and then out to the road.

I have to say a big THANK YOU to Katie for doing this. I really don't like cold weather, but doing this is forcing me to get outside. The kids are LOVING it! And, I suppose that it's not so bad to be a little cold.....although I do prefer to sit inside with my warm cup of Sugar Cookie Sleigh Ride tea. :-) I'll just use that as my reward for getting out!