Thursday, January 7, 2010

Day 2: For Me!

So I FINALLY got outside yesterday for it to actually count as being out more than running errands and such.  This is our leaning snowman that was built last Sunday.  We are quite fond of him.  =)

Not a whole lot of snow down this way (north of Pittsburgh), but I like it that way!


There was actually thick ice beneath the snow that was covering our trampoline.


My 20 month old daughter trying to stand up on the slippery trampoline.

My huband's attempt at making a path for the dogs.

My almost 5 year old son.  Notice anything funny about this picture - his boots are on the wrong feet.  =)  I guess he was in quite a hurry to go out and play in the snow!  Ha ha!

Thought this was a cute shot.

I'm amazed at how much this pine tree has grown since we first moved here 6 1/2 years ago.  I think it's cute!

So I didn't walk much, but it certainly can be tiring out in the cold and snow.  I hope you enjoyed my pictures at least.  =)  I forgot to mention that I started a picture blog of my own a month or so ago.  Here's the link if you care to take a peek -

Stay warm everyone!


  1. I enjoyed seeing all of your photos...I agree, very cute photo of your daughter from the back.

  2. That is a cute snowman! We never seem to get good snowman snow here.

  3. LOVE the shot at the top of the slide, and the one through the fence!

  4. Looks like they had a lot of fun! Adorable shot of Morgan sliding! I love the one of Chase swinging on the wrong feet or not! :-)
