Saturday, January 2, 2010

Day 1 - Let's do it.

Hey everyone. I am going to jump in here and start the introductions. Well, I don't think I need to introduce myself because you know me - but I will tell you again what I want to gain from this.

1. Of course, I need to get out and walk for health reasons, but I think more for my sanity. I tend to get a little wonky, especially in the winter months, and then when it is my busy season - april-december I get too overwhelmed with work to take care of myself. So, I pretty much make excuses all year round.

I am not going to claim that I am going to do this photowalk every single day. I am going to try to do it as much as I can and when i am slacking - I am not going to beat myself up for it but I am going to try again and then try again. :)

I think that I might buy a point and shoot so that I don't have to lug my big camera around. (Although I could consider that more of an exercise.)

Even though I do this photography thing as a business I really don't take pics just for me anymore and that makes me sad.

Sometimes I might just use my camera on my phone. :)

I think it would be neat if we could get together from time to time to walk as a group.

I am definitely open to having more people join. :) Even if it is someone from another part of the country. :)

ok, wow do I like to put smilies on my posts.

Let's try to label each day as day #____ etc.